Ana Brenda Contreras biography

Ana Brenda Contreras born December 24th, 1986, native from Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas. She arrived Mexico City at age 15 to participate in the reality show "Pop Stars" where she became a finalist and joined the musical band "t'detila". Studied at the Televisa's Centro de Educación Artistica. Her actress career includes participations in soap operas like Barrera de Amor (2005), Duelo de pasiones (2006), Juro que te amo (2008), Sortilegio (2009) and Teresa (2010). She has also participated in films such as "Divina confusion" in 2008 and "Cabeza de buda" in 2009, as well as the TV series "Tiempo final" and "Mujeres Asesinas" in 2009. She performed in plays such as "Aladino", "Vaselina" and "Timbiriche el musical". She is currently starring the soap opera "La que no podia Amar".

Source: IMDb

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